Own a Buylocally247 website to serve businesses in your local area for a modest investment of seven cents ($0.07) per capita of the geographic location you wish to own.
Or purchase a subdomain at any one of our one hundred Chronicles 100 (C100) websites where you can display Adverslides for local businesses.
Adverslide is our proprietary Geolocation sensitive ad system which recognizes the site visitor’s location and displays local ads.
C100 sites cover every major topic of interest including Actors, Arts, Autos, Baking, Bands, Bicycling, Birds, Boating, Books, Celebrities, Chefs, Chocolate, Choirs, Comedy, Dance, Faith, Fashion, Fitness, Flowers, Food, Dance, Gifts, Health, Homes, Medicine, Money, Music, News, NFT’s, Pets, Pizza, Poetry, Politics, Racing, Religion, Restaurants, Schools, Sports, Travel, Wisdom, and more.
Your first Adverslide ready site is yours for a one time investment of only $936 and a weekly royalty of only $24.99. Add more Adverslide sites anytime for only $468 per site with no increase in the weekly royalty.
NOTE: the Buylocally site is a separate purchase.
To purchase a Buylocally site, describe in the contact form below your geographic area of interest. The Buylocally site cost is based on the total population of your chosen area.
Access to Adverslide is included with every “Chronicles License to Publish”, which you can obtain here.
Do the math. Suppose, over the course of a year you take all weekends off and enjoy a four week vacation. That gives you 240 work days. Suppose you only make one sale a day and on average charge a business an annual fee of only $364 (a dollar a day) for displaying their Adverslide at one C100 site or for a display ad at your Buylocally site. That’s over $87,000.
Sell one ad in the morning and anonther in the afternoon, that’s a $174,720.00 annual income. And you are not limited to selling Adverslides on an annual basis (or at $364- see “Adverslide Sales” here).
As a Chronicles Publisher you set your own prices and can sell Adverslides annually, twice a year, quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily. Once licensed as a Chronicles Publisher (whether you start with Buylocally or an Adverslide site), you can add more Adverslide sites any time at the rate of $468 a site.
DISCLAIMER: Please note the display of any name, image, or likeness of any individual, organization, or item on this site must not be construed as an endorsement of this site by the owner of that which is depicted. Nor should the presence of the same be inferred by anyone as an indication the depicted is currently posting content or otherwise participating at this site in any way whatsoever. Additionally, we certainly will remove or replace any name, image, likeness, or item if requested to do so by the owner of the entity or item depicted. Please leave messages or requests in the Contact form above. Thank you!